ESC 2026 - Hotels and Housing

Here you will find our latest offers of all accommodation and hotels for the medical congress ESC 2026 in Munich. We can offer you reasonably priced accommodation, a location plan of the hotels and all the key facts about the ESC 2026.


ESC 2026 in Munich

  • Date: 27. 8. - 31. 8.2026
  • Location: ICM - Internationales Congress Center München
  • Address: Messe München GmbH, Messegelände, 81823 München
Hotels and Housing ESC 2026


Rooms and hotel offers available during the medical congress ESC 2026 in Munich are listed below.


Hotels ESC 2026

European Society of Cardiology:

ICM - Internationales Congress Center München, Messe München GmbH
City Center Main Station Airport , Munich
HotelRatingCapacityRate single*Rate double*Distance to CC
Schiller5 Hotel4*21 DSU******07 km
Andaz Munich Schwabinger Tor4*86 DSU******06 km
Eurostars Book Hotel4*80 DSU******07 km
Le Méridien München21 DSU******07 km
Hotel Europa - München4*120 DSU******07 km
Boutique Hotel Atrium München4*48 DSU******07 km
Ruby Lilly Hotel4*108 DSU******07 km
Ruby Rosi Hotel4*48 DSU******07 km
Eurostars Grand Central Hotel4*80 DSU******07 km
*All tax, vat and breakfast are included. Rooms are offered on first come first served basis.

Arrange your stay for the ESC 2026

Travelinfo MICE MAKER

You can create a word file showing all the relevant information for your stay for the ESC 2026.

To do this simply click on the hotel(s) of your choice on the map below. Check the boxes next to the map if you would like the public transport stops and/or taxi offices near your selected hotel(s) to be displayed on the word file.

After you have clicked on the "Hotel offer as word file", a word file will be created displaying clearly laid out information about your stay in your own currency.

Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or if you have any special requests. You can contact us on +49 (0)89 37 98 76 26 or you can e-mail us on We look forward to hearing from you.

ESC 2026 - European Society of Cardiology

ESC 2018 will be held between 25 and 29 August 2018 in Munich. The congress of the European Society of Cardiology will be held this year at the International Congress Center Munich (ICM). Cardiologists from all over the world will convene here to discuss current topics and the latest achievements in the field of cardiology.

Agenda for ESC 2018

The agenda for ESC 2018 will focus on topics including:


  • Ischaemic heart disease
  • Acute cardiological care
  • Cardiac arrhythmia
  • Non-invasive diagnostic techniques
  • e-cardiology
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Cardiac valve diseases
  • Congenital heart disease


You can register for ESC 2018 on the official website of the European Society of Cardiology where you can also find all the key information about the abstracts and current guidelines.

ESC 2018 at the international Congress Center, Munich

The Munich Congress Center (ICM) has been welcoming congress guests into its bright and elegant halls since 1998. Every year over 200 events are held on the exhibition area which covers a total of 7,000 square metres. The Messe München has established itself as the number one venue for a large number of national and international congresses.

The European Society of Cardiology

The European Society of Cardiology was founded on 2 September 1950 following the holding of the first world congress of cardiologists in Paris. Since that time the ESC has become a leading association of cardiologists which is divided into working groups, committees and professional associations, all following a common goal: the promotion of the training and development of cardiologists, the optimisation and development of research in the field of cardiology and, of course, the regular exchange of experience between colleagues.


It is precisely to facilitate this exchange of experience between specialists working in this field that the ESC congress is held each year. Every year a specific topic from the field of cardiology is discussed and examined in detail at a different European city, research results are presented and sessions chaired by experts are held.


Contact now MICE MAKER GmbH!


Alte Pasinger Straße 112
D-82166 Graefelfing / Munich


Phone: +49 (0) 89 37 98 76 26
Fax: +49 (0) 89 37 98 76 28